NY Office of Medicaid Inspector General Reports $879 Million in Recoveries

$879 million is the amount of recoveries made in 2013, according to the recent Annual Report from New York’s Office of Medicaid Inspector General. 

These represent record-breaking figures. OMIG now has recovered more than $1.73 billion in improperly expended Medicaid funds over the past three years.

James Cox, the Medicaid Inspector General, said, “OMIG posted strong results across the board, and New York’s Medicaid enforcement efforts lead the nation. We set a new record for recoveries at over $879 million, posted total estimated Medicaid cost savings to taxpayers exceeding $2 billion, and strengthened our existing tools, like Business Line Teams. All of this happened because of careful planning, the diligence of our team, and the strength of our techniques. These figures exemplify OMIG’s continued efforts to enhance the integrity of the New York State Medicaid program…

Over the last three calendar years, New York’s enforcement efforts have recovered more than $1.73 billion, a 34 percent increase over the prior three-year period. Additionally, over the last five years, New York State alone accounted for more than 54 percent of the national total of fraud, waste, and abuse recoveries. These results reflect a trend of increased productivity and enforcement.”

CMA developed and implemented New York’s current Medicaid Data Warehouse (MDW) solution. We are pleased to be a partner to help New York create a comprehensive and secure healthcare information system environment, and to position NYS to meet the emerging needs of the next decade.

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