HANDS: Health And Nutrition Delivery System

Mobile- and Device-Friendly Support for Participant-Centered WIC Services

The Health And Nutrition Delivery System (HANDS) by CMA supports participant-centered services for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) programs.

HANDS is a flexible and customizable system that is operational in five state agencies.

HANDS is EBT operational and complies with the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, which mandates that states provide EBT to clients by Oct. 1, 2020.


  • HANDS logo
  • HANDS Screen Shots

Why Choose HANDS?

You can expect many benefits by choosing HANDS. Here are a few.


Improve WIC Outcomes

Increase Outcomes

Increase organizational efficiency in WIC

Increase Organizational Efficiency

Detect WIC fraud

Detect Fraud

HANDS Features

HANDS is the most current, custom-built WIC application in the nation. Features include:

  • HANDS uses the latest .NET framework technologies to provide participant-centered and electronic-based services.
  • HANDS is modular to suit the needs of every user. The stability and reliability of HANDS ensures ease-of-use and reduced data entry, thereby increasing clinic productivity.
  • HANDS is fully FReD compliant and can be easily deployed on a public cloud (AWS, Azure, and Oracle)
  • HANDS’ highly effective food package tailoring solution minimizes food package maintenance and empowers clinics and participants to solve individual needs and preferences.
  • HANDS provides data visualization and business analytics using an integrated analysis view using Tableau.

Functional Highlights

  • Family-Centered Participant-Centered Services (PCS) Clinic Module
  • Vendor Authorization and Management Module with complementary Retailer Web Application
  • Emergency Management Module using both checks and EBT for Disaster Operations
  • Fully-functional PC Extract with agency-level data cleansing utilities
  • Full-service financial module with forecasting capabilities
  • Clinic-level EBT food package tailoring feature
  • Data Visualization using historical data for program outcome intervention

User-friendly & Intuituve


Device- & Mobile-Friendly

Flexible Modern Architecture

Success Stories

  • WIC Business Analytics

    CMA has more than 30 years of experience in WIC. CMA merged this WIC knowledge with our expertise in data warehouse design to build something more than a reporting platform. We created an information store for the user to receive timely information from their data. 

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  • Connecting WIC Retailers to the State

    There are approximately 650 WIC-approved vendors in the Arizona WIC program, which provides nutrition education and breastfeeding support services, supplemental nutritious foods, and referrals to health and social services. The Arizona WIC consortium also includes the Navajo Nation, Guam, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa. 

    While managing their participation in the WIC program, retailers deserve an easy interface to provide information to the state. Time, device, and software shouldn’t constrain the retailer from providing accurate application and authorization information. Vender Web, alongside CMA’s HANDS product, facilitates a faster authorization process that supports every peer group retailer.

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  • Meeting EBT Standards

    By passing The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, the United States Department of Agriculture mandated that all WIC agencies and programs utilize an electronic benefits transfer (EBT) system by Oct. 1, 2020. 

    The eWIC program integrates Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) into HANDS, and was implemented in 2017. 

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